Group Six Partners, LLC

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"This is important....because it saves lives", Suicide Prevention Walk

On September 13th, 2014, Group Six Partners (GSP) had the pleasure of filming nearly 1000 participants and volunteers for the 8th Annual Walk in Memory, Walk for Hope Suicide Awareness event held at Bob Miller Middle School in Henderson Nevada. 

With two video crew and a very general outline of the sequence of events, GSP productions captured the essence of the event from the volunteer perspective through key interviews as well as multi-angle shots. Additionally, because of favorable flying conditions, GSP was able to use our quad-copter "drone" to get incredibly sharp HD footage. 

GSP was delighted to donate their time and talent to this most worthy cause consistent with our mission of supporting awareness efforts promoting positive behavioral health. The final 2 minute video is a powerful promotional and archival tool for the organizers of the event and useful to sponsors who are committed to public good. This is who we are and what we do, we are good people who work with good people to help all. 

We are delighted to share this video with all for unrestricted purposes in its current form. Please contact if you'd like to alter the content in any way.